Blue – Blue have the calming effect. Ice, cold, chilling.
Red, orange – Red is the hottest of the warm colour. Hot, flame, heat.
Red Cross symbol – Aid/awareness is needed.
This symbol’s aim is to create awareness towards people for the increasing rise of the global temperature, as represented by the red Flame. The red Flame is hot, therefore it causes the Icebergs/Glaciers to melt tremendously (represented by the blue Iceberg).
The continuously melting of ice in the northpole brings forth several adverse effects to our environment in the long run. This is why the Red Cross symbol is added to create awareness for human being.
Hopefully, this symbol could alert people to lessen the usage of CFC (ChloroFluoroCarbon) . This gas causes the ozone layer to become thinner and the unfiltered ultraviolet rays of the sun cause overheating in the northpoles of the earth, where the Icebergs start to melt. This causes huge amount of water released from the poles leads to a rise in the sea-level. Eventually, sea will cover the land and this will be the end of the world.
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blog by zm__ 2008
July 25, 2008 at 8:56 PM
nice work here. not bad for a "beginner". keep it up! :)
July 31, 2008 at 12:37 AM
from my point of view~i mean da pic that u done in illus~da flame and da red cross symbol is okay~but i guess the iceberg still can be improve bah~
anyway it still looks okay bah~btw u hav to make a logo? or juz a picture that symbolize what u're trying to say?
anyway juz my comments bah~accept o ignore it~lolz~